Don't let boost mangle your lib name
If you use conan to manage Boost libraries, the default boost lib name is libboostxxxx.lib
. However, boost system links the lib with tags sometimes. It may cause the linker cannot find libs properly. So it may be necessary to specify the pre-definition to avoid boost mangling the names.
: Specifies that we should link to BOOST_LIB_NAME.lib,
rather than a mangled-name version.
: Specifies that we link to libraries built with the –layout=tagged option.
This is essentially the same as the default name-mangled version, but without
the compiler name and version, or the Boost version. Just the build options.
: Specifies that we link to libraries built with the –layout=system option.
This is essentially the same as the non-name-mangled version, but with
the prefix to differentiate static and dll builds