C++ and Python exchange Numpy data via Pybind11
Pybind11 is a lightweight header-only library that exposes C++ types in Python and vice versa, mainly to create Python bindings of existing C++ code. We could use it to expose our CPP function to Python.
namespace py = pybind11;
1d Array + 1d Array
py::array_t<double> add_arrays_1d(py::array_t<double>& input1, py::array_t<double>& input2) {
// Get info from input1, input2
py::buffer_info buf1 = input1.request();
py::buffer_info buf2 = input2.request();
if (buf1.ndim !=1 || buf2.ndim !=1)
throw std::runtime_error("Number of dimensions must be one");
if (buf1.size !=buf2.size)
throw std::runtime_error("Input shape must match");
//Apply resources
auto result = py::array_t<double>(buf1.size);
py::buffer_info buf3 = result.request();
//Obtain numpy.ndarray data pointer
double* ptr1 = (double*)buf1.ptr;
double* ptr2 = (double*)buf2.ptr;
double* ptr3 = (double*)buf3.ptr;
//Pointer visits numpy.ndarray
for (int i = 0; i < buf1.shape[0]; i++)
ptr3[i] = ptr1[i] + ptr2[i];
return result;
py::array_t<double> add_arrays_2d(py::array_t<double>& input1, py::array_t<double>& input2) {
py::buffer_info buf1 = input1.request();
py::buffer_info buf2 = input2.request();
if (buf1.ndim != 2 || buf2.ndim != 2)
throw std::runtime_error("numpy.ndarray dims must be 2!");
if ((buf1.shape[0] != buf2.shape[0])|| (buf1.shape[1] != buf2.shape[1]))
throw std::runtime_error("two array shape must be match!");
//Apply resources
auto result = py::array_t<double>(buf1.size);
//Resize to 2d array
py::buffer_info buf_result = result.request();
//Pointer reads and writes numpy.ndarray
double* ptr1 = (double*)buf1.ptr;
double* ptr2 = (double*)buf2.ptr;
double* ptr_result = (double*)buf_result.ptr;
for (int i = 0; i < buf1.shape[0]; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < buf1.shape[1]; j++)
auto value1 = ptr1[i*buf1.shape[1] + j];
auto value2 = ptr2[i*buf2.shape[1] + j];
ptr_result[i*buf_result.shape[1] + j] = value1 + value2;
return result;
PYBIND11_MODULE(numpy_demo2, m) {
m.doc() = "Simple demo using numpy!";
m.def("add_arrays_1d", &add_arrays_1d);